The Joy of Cleaning
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The Joy of Cleaning

Hello and welcome to my cleaning blog. Cleaning can bring you a lot of joy. Without it, our homes and businesses would literally be covered in old food, dust, and garbage. My name is Penny, and in this blog, I'm going to cover cleaning techniques and tips for staying organized. Whether you are trying to wash a stain out of a shirt or keep on top of the vacuuming, I hope these posts help. I also plan to write about hiring professional cleaners for your home, office, or even your industrial facility. My hope is that this blog brings you as much joy as a clean space.


The Joy of Cleaning

  • Renovating Your Basement Into A Game Room? 3 Reasons To Prioritize Carpet Cleaning

    16 May 2017

    If your basement is rarely used or primarily being used as a storage space, you may be looking into ways to make better use of this square footage. If you've decided that a gaming room is a good addition to your home, it's a smart idea to look into how carpet cleaning can be a necessity for transforming the basement. While keeping the same carpeting is definitely a possibility when renovating the basement into an inviting game room, you should look into the following reasons why carpet cleaning should be squeezed into your list of tasks to do for the project.

  • Having Trouble Keeping Your Stairs Clean? Solve This Problem With Carpet Cleaning

    12 May 2017

    Maintaining a clean home is best accomplished with a combination of routine cleaning and preventive measures. While you may be an excellent cleaner, an ideal outcome is avoiding dirtiness altogether. It is important to focus on the places where dirt and grime are most likely to build up so that you don't spend any more time than necessary cleaning. For instance, you can try out different floor mats at the front entrance until you get one that truly pulls the dirt from your shoes to keep it from getting inside.

  • 2 Reasons To Hire A Professional To Clean Your Tile Floors

    11 May 2017

    If you notice that you don't like the way that your tile floors are looking, this may have something to do with the fact that they are becoming dirty. As tile and grout get dirtier, they are no longer very appealing to the eye. However, regular cleaning often isn't enough to get them to look good once again when this build up has formed on your tile. Thankfully, you do have some great cleaning options to get your tile looking good once again.

  • Safety Precautions To Take If Your Home Is Flooded With Raw Sewage

    11 May 2017

    Raw sewage can get into your home during a major storm or flooding event, or it can enter your home during a sewage backup. Raw sewage can be particularly dangerous, and there are several precautions you should take if your home is compromised by it. Here are a few ways to keep your family safe as you begin to clean up the damage and make your home habitable once again.

  • Tips For Freeing Up Time In Your Busy Schedule

    10 May 2017

    If you have a very busy schedule with every moment of your day filled with things like work, children, a spouse, a house, and many other errands and chores, then you may feel like you don't have any time for yourself. If you feel like this, then you should do everything that you can to earn yourself some spare time in your day. Once you have freed up some of your time, you will be able to enjoy the hobbies you never have a chance to enjoy anymore, and you can even find time to visit with friends and do things just for you.