Hello and welcome to my cleaning blog. Cleaning can bring you a lot of joy. Without it, our homes and businesses would literally be covered in old food, dust, and garbage. My name is Penny, and in this blog, I'm going to cover cleaning techniques and tips for staying organized. Whether you are trying to wash a stain out of a shirt or keep on top of the vacuuming, I hope these posts help. I also plan to write about hiring professional cleaners for your home, office, or even your industrial facility. My hope is that this blog brings you as much joy as a clean space.
10 January 2019
Having strangers come into your home to work on projects can be tough, particularly with window cleaning. You are not only trusting them to do a good job, but you are also trusting them to be in your home for several hours. Sometimes you think you made the right choice only to be disappointed later. There are a few tricks to knowing if you made the right decision, however. 1. On Time: Window cleaning is not like having the cable come out.
29 November 2018
Anytime water has sat in your home, such as following a flood or pipe burst, you should hire a water damage service to properly clean your home. This is the best way to remove the water and prevent mold in the future. When you are looking to hire one of these services to help clean your home, it is important that you look for a bonded and insured company. There are many things that can occur during the course of your cleaning that you may not be planning on.
30 October 2018
If you want to make your business even better, you should look for everyday improvements that you can make. Some improvements require you to bring in outside professionals instead of trying to handle everything on your own. One professional that you may want to hire is an office cleaning pro. They can make your office look and feel totally different! Keep reading to see why it's a good idea to hire an office cleaning service for your company cleaning needs:
5 October 2018
If it's nearing on that time of year when you need to have your carpets cleaned, then this article is just the thing for you. Did you know that there are certain carpet cleaning add-ons that you can ask your carpet cleaning company about? Depending on whether or not you have kids or pets, then you may find some of these services to be really helpful to you. This article will take a closer look at three carpet add-ons to talk to your professional carpet cleaner about.
9 September 2018
The windows of your home are important for seeing in and out, but dirty, foggy windows and frames can affect your home's curb appeal, too. Different glass cleaners sold in stores are effective, but they contain ammonia, which may be harmful to your health and wellness. With this guide, you will learn a few natural solutions for cleaning your windows and frames. Vinegar Solution You may be surprised to learn that vinegar is one of the most effective cleaners to use in and around your home.